Presence for Performance

What is presence for performance?

Presence for performance, is your ability to find YOU, to find wellbeing and calm - to perform at your highest level - even when conditions are less than ideal.

Most people find themselves far away from who they want to be when they’re feeling stressed, or under pressure - which often means they begin indulging habits and reacting in ways they wish they could stop.

Lack of presence might show up as some of the following symptoms. . .

  • Anxiety / worry

  • Leaving full potential on the table - inability to perform at elite level

  • Lack of confidence / over confident bravado

  • Overwhelm / Stress

  • Feel like time’s running out - not where you’re supposed to be in life

  • Sadness / Flat feeling

  • Self doubt / shame / embarrassment

  • Lack of joy / or enjoyment in life

  • Outbursts of anger / snappy, short, and irritable

  • Relationship breakdowns

  • Feelings of failure - future or past focused

  • Depression / shutting dow

  • Feel stuck

  • Lack of engagement and connection with real life

  • Over drinking / eating / shopping / scrolling / internet use / drug use / porn etc

  • Procrastination

  • Lack of genuine interests and hobbies (not just filling in time)

  • Perfectionistic / idealistic

When we’re not present, we typically feel stressed in some way; What happens when we experience stress….?

Consciously and subconsciously we begin looking for a way out of our stress and into peace.
Solutions to our problems…..

  • Lack of money = Earn more money

  • Feeling lonely = Find a relationship

  • Relationship challenges = Change a relationship / change the other person / change yourself

  • Don’t like my job = Get a promotion / look for a new job

  • Don’t like my body = Lose weight / change my diet

  • Feeling overwhelmed = look for organisational hacks

  • Anxiety = Avoid situations that heighten anxiety / mediation / push through

We often develop bad habits when we’re not present - in the hopes of finding peace.

  • Overeating

  • Over drinking

  • Netflix

  • Gaming

  • Social media scrolling

  • Shopping

  • Procrastination

The list goes on….

But what if all of this discomfort we feel was actually a mechanism built into the system of life, designed to help bring more presence, calm and ease into your life?

Meaning: You have to feel bad - in order to work out how to feel good.

Or to put it another way; You need to feel hunger to know it’s time to eat.

To find your presence - you will feel uncomfortable first - nothing has gone wrong - the discomfort is simply a sign post directing you towards an internal area waiting for your attention and alignment.

The discomfort is how life gets your attention.
The discomfort is showing you where you’re out of sync in someway (mindset / holding tightly to control / not listening / not trusting / lack of boundaries etc)
The discomfort is saying “Hey come back to yourself”

“Listen. Listen deeply.
Trust what you Hear + have the Courage to take Action”

- Nassim Haramein

Book your coaching session

I ask my clients to commit to a minimum of 12 coaching sessions.
These may be spaced weekly / bi-weekly / or monthly.

Before we get started please book a free consultation, by sending me an email:
Or pick up the phone and give me a call and we’ll get you on the calendar. Phone: 021.502.10

Christiane’s words:

"I highly appreciate Kate and wholeheartedly recommend her work. Firstly, she is an amazing and compassionate human being. Secondly, she's an experienced Master Coach with a wealth of training from some of the industry's best coaches. Her extensive experience in this field is a rarity these days. Kate not only possesses the "tools & techniques" but also the genuine heart for what she does.”all the difference.